8 vibrant and energetic Sunshine Boyz & Girlz are officially ready to meet everyone. They will gather on the stage of The Centre in Vancouver, on August 22 (Thursday) at 8pm to show off their talents. On the night of the finals, they will compete with their singing skills and talents for the Champion, Talent Award, and Showmanship Award. They will also be divided into two teams for a Team Battle, testing their spirit of group cooperation.
Among the 8 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz, which one is your favorite? The "ZEISS Vision Centre People's Choice Award" voting is now taking place online. Please vote for your favorite contestant. The participant with the highest number of votes will receive the honor of the " ZEISS Vision Centre People's Choice Award”. All voters will automatically enter a lucky draw for a chance to win a $500 cash prize and a $100 shopping voucher.
8 位充滿陽光活力的 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 正式跟大家會面。他們將於 8 月 22 日(星期四) 8pm 齊集溫哥華市中心的 The Centre in Vancouver 舞台上,盡情綻放光采。決賽當晚,他們將會以歌藝和才華去角逐冠軍、才藝大獎和最佳台風獎。他們還將分成兩隊進行 Team Battle,考驗他們的群體合作精神。
8 位 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 當中,你最喜愛哪一位?「蔡司視覺中心我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎」票選現已於網上進行,請即投選你心中的摯愛,得票最高的參賽者將獲得「蔡司視覺中心我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎」殊榮,而所有參與投票的人士均自動進入大抽獎,贏取 $500 現金獎和 $100 現金購物券。
Application has ended. Finalists will be announced in mid July. 報名經已結束,入圍者將於七月中旬公布。
Sunshine Nation is a star-studded talent show organized by a Fairchild Radio, which has been eagerly anticipated by young Canadians for many years. After a hiatus of 5 years, Sunshine Nation makes a comeback in 2024 with a brand new approach, presenting itself in the form of a singing competition. Application is now open to all Canadian citizens, permanent residents or landed immigrants aged between 14 and 28 who are currently residing in the province of British Columbia (BC) or Alberta.
Sunshine Nation 是加拿大中文電台主辦的星級選秀活動,多年來一直受到加國年輕人的熱切期待。闊別 5 年,2024 年 Sunshine Nation 憑嶄新姿態再次回歸,以歌唱比賽的形式與大家見面!「Sunshine Nation 新一代歌唱大賽」正式全面展開,歡迎年齡介乎 14 至 28 歲、現居住於 BC 省或 Alberta 省的加拿大公民、永久居民或已抵埗移民參加。
Aged between 14 and 28 (age as of the date of the Finale) 年齡介乎14至28歲(以決賽當天為準)
Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident or Landed Immigrant of Canada 加拿大公民、永久居民或已抵埠移民
Resident of British Columbia or Alberta 卑詩省或亞伯達省之居民
Vancouver 溫哥華
Fairchild Radio 加拿大中文電台 AM1470 & FM961: 604-295-1234
Calgary 卡加利
Email 電郵: events@am1470.com
Fairchild Radio 加拿大中文電台 FM94.7: 403-717-1940
Sunshine Nation Singing Contest 2024 is grateful to be held on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the Coast Salish peoples of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam Indian Band), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish Nation), and Səl̓ílwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh Nation). We acknowledge our privilege to operate on these lands, and commit to work with and be respectful to the Indigenous peoples whose music and culture encourages us to better listen to each other.