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Age 年齡: 20

Language 能講語言: English 英文、 Cantonese 粵語、Mandarin 國語

Hobbies 興趣: Trying new restaurants with different flavors 嘗試不同口味的新餐廳,likes to go to carnivals 亦喜歡去嘉年華會

Special Talent 特別才能: Playing the piano 彈鋼琴、play hula hoop and Rubik’s Cube at the same time 一邊玩呼拉圈一邊扭扭計骰

Favorite Singers 喜愛的歌手: Wang Yuan王源、Jay Chou 周杰倫

Favorite Foods 喜愛的食物: Anything cooked by my mom 只要是媽媽煮的都喜愛

Most Disliked Food 最討厭的食物: fruits with a core 有核的水果

Most Unforgettable Experience 最難忘的經歷: Taking an exam while having a nosebleed 一邊流鼻血,一邊考試

Most Embarrassing Incident 最尷尬的事情: Forgetting the lyrics during a competition 比賽時忘記歌詞

Dreams in Life 夢想: To become a singer and actress 成為一位歌手和演員

Sunglasses Sponsor 太陽眼鏡贊助:

ZEISS Vision Centre 蔡司視覺中心