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#3 VIOLA 康銘玥

Age 年齡: 15

Language 能講語言: English 英文、 Mandarin 國語

Special Talent 特別才能: Playing piano 彈鋼琴

Favorite Countries/Cities 喜愛的國家/城市: Italy 意大利、New York 紐約、China 中國、South Korea 韓國

Favorite Singers 喜愛的歌手: Taylor Swift、Kenya Grace

Favorite TV Shows 喜愛的電視劇: C Dramas 漢語劇集、Who's the Murderer 明星大偵探

Most Disliked Food 最討厭的食物: Tomato and egg noodles 西紅柿雞蛋麵

Most Embarrassing Incident 最尷尬的事情: At a choir festival, someone greeted me "Welcome," and I replied "You too" 在合唱團音樂節上,有人跟我說「歡迎」,我竟然回答「你也是」

Most Satisfied Body Part 最滿意的身體部位: Hair, because I have a lot of it 頭髮,因為我有很多

Dreams in Life 夢想: I want to live a fulfilling life and leave no regrets 我想活得精彩而無憾

Sunglasses Sponsor 太陽眼鏡贊助:

ZEISS Vision Centre 蔡司視覺中心