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#2 OSCAR 程朗

Age 年齡: 20

Language 能講語言: English 英文、Cantonese 粵語

Major 主修: Engineering 工程學(UBC)

Favorite Music Genre 喜愛的音樂類別 : Canto-Pop

Favorite Singers 喜愛的歌手: Edan Lui 呂爵安、Andy Lau 劉德華、Raymond Lam 林峯

Favorite TV Shows 喜愛的電視劇: The Justice of Conscience 溏心風暴、I SWIM

Most Unforgettable Experience 最難忘的經歷: Grade 12 graduation camping trip was drenched by a heavy downpour of rain 參加第 12 班的畢業露營時落下傾盤大雨

Most Embarrassing Incident 最尷尬的事情: Pants suddenly ripped while playing frisbee 玩飛碟時褲子突然爆呔

Most Satisfied Body Part 最滿意的身體部位: Hair, soft and easy to style 頭髮,柔軟又容易整理

Dreams in Life 夢想: To be an engineer, singer, and actor 成為一位工程師、歌手和演員

Sunglasses Sponsor 太陽眼鏡贊助:

ZEISS Vision Centre 蔡司視覺中心