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#4 JERRY 趙梓恒

Age 年齡: 23

Language 能講語言: English 英文、 Mandarin 國語

Major 主修: Cell Biology, Anatomy and Physiology 細胞學、解剖學和生理學(UBC)

Interests 興趣: Playing guitar 彈結他、Badminton 打羽毛球

Special Talent 特別才能: Biomedical research 生物醫學研究

Favorite Music Genres 喜愛的音樂類別: C-Pop 華語流行曲、Folk 民謠

Most Unforgettable Experience 最難忘的經歷: Graduating from UBC this May and completing an honors thesis research project 今年 5 月在 UBC 畢業,並且完成了榮譽學位論文研究

Most Embarrassing Incident 最尷尬的事情: Went to the wrong lecture during in UBC 在UBC上學時,去錯了班房

Most Admired Person 最敬仰的人物: Elon Musk, who has transformed multiple industries including electric vehicles and aerospace through innovation and entrepreneurship. Elon Musk,他通過創新和企業精神改變了多個行業,包括電車和航天

Dreams in Life 夢想: To achieve artificial general intelligence and boost technological productivity 憑藉實現人工通用智能,來提升技術生產力

Sunglasses Sponsor 太陽眼鏡贊助:

ZEISS Vision Centre 蔡司視覺中心