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#5 KELVIN 梁溢駿

Age 年齡: 28

Language 能講語言: English 英文、Cantonese 粵語、Mandarin 國語

Interests 興趣: Badminton 打羽毛球、Fitness 健身、Singing 唱歌

Favorite Country 喜愛的國家: Japan 日本

Favorite Music Genre 喜愛的音樂類別: Pop 流行曲

Favorite Singers 喜愛的歌手: JJ Lin 林俊傑、David Tao 陶喆

Favorite Movie 喜愛的電影: Infernal Affairs 無間道

Most Unforgettable Experience 最難忘的經歷: First time busking on the street 第一次在街頭表演

Most Embarrassing Incident 最尷尬的事情: Performing a catwalk during an interview 面試的時候要 catwalk

Most Admired Person 最敬仰的人物: Bruce Lee, most admire his focus and dedication 李小龍,最敬佩他的專注力和努力

Most Satisfied Body Part 最滿意的身體部位: My Eyes, even after years of staring at TV and computers, my vision has not become nearsighted 眼睛,多年來即使每天盯著電視和電腦,卻沒有近視

Dreams in Life 夢想: To make my family worry-free 讓家人無憂無慮

Sunglasses Sponsor 太陽眼鏡贊助:

ZEISS Vision Centre 蔡司視覺中心